1. Abdul-Majid Wazwaz A First Course in Integral Equations
2. Gelfand_Fomin_Calculus_of_Variations
3. Integral Equations by M.D. Raisinghhania
4. Numerical methods by S.R.K Iyengar and R.k . Jain
5. Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis S S Sastry
6.Richard L Burden_ J Douglas Faires-Numerical analysis-Brooks_Cole Cengage Learning (2011)
7. Operation Research by H A Taha
8. Operation Research by P Rama Murthy
9. Fundamental of mathematical and statistics by S C Gupta
10.Inegral Equations by krasnov kiselev makerenko
11.Measure and Integration: A First Course by Thamban Nair
12.functional analysis Limaye
13.functional analysis first course by Thamban nair
15. K.D. Joshi Introduction to General Topology
16. Gareth A. Jones, Josephine M. Jones-Elementary Number Theory-Springer (1998)